
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Ore Futatabi Sanjou!

Hey folks,

As you've probably figured out by now, I've been without regular internet access for the past month and a half or so, and aside from a brief stop-by at HJU, I have been way out of the loop. Early last month I moved to my new place of residence in Fukushima-ken, Japan, and since then have been busy as hell with work, friends, life in general, and all that stuff. I have gotten a chance to see the Den-O movie (which is very good, and which I will review some day) and keep up to date with the TV series and other new stuff via the magazines. But online-wise, I am waaaaaaaaaaaay behind, and will probably be until the end of September when I'm *hopefully* finally getting my speedy new internet connection set up. At the very least, I want to be connected in time for the epic review of NEXTy.

After that, website & blog updates (and Sigma!) will resume in a more or less usual manner. With a little luck, the big update from the end of July will be even bigger, and (barring accidents) will go up as soon as I get my connection. Until then, you'll just have to sit tight and wait out the remainder of what will hopefully someday be known as "Igadevil's Kamen Rider Crisis" but will more likely just be forgotten about, and at least one person out there won't even realize I was ever gone.

In the mean time: The School servers hate e-mail, so I won't be able to respond to mail queries immediately, but if you do have some kind words of support, send them along. It's been hard without an internet connection in a lot of ways (far more than just not being able to update/do Yaguruma impressions), so they'll be appreciated.

Igadevil out for now.


  1. Good to see you alive, Igadevil-san :) Keep going on and enjoy your life in japan! ;)

  2. Glad to see you back! In Japan? I'm jealous!

  3. Good to see another post from you, dude! This blog has been missed, sorely.

    Hope things are going well over there in Japan.

  4. Post! :D

    I'm suffering from IKRB Withdrawal syndrome.

  5. life's kinda dreadful without your blog & sigma updates... so pleaaaaaaassssseeeee be back soon...

  6. Miss u so much man, hope to see you back soon!!!

  7. About time. Hopefully you'll catch up fast!
