Released in September '07, the annual installment of the Action Pose (High Grade Gachapon figures with increased articulation) takes everything that makes the current H.G.C.O.R.E. line great, and makes it even better. But how does it stack up to the Action Pose sets of the past? Read on:
Action Pose Kamen Rider Den-O Part 1: "As soon as I get started, it's the Climax!"
It's like "The Seven Samurai" if five of them were the same guy and one of them was the guy who possesses another guy
Since its inception back in the days of Kamen Rider Ryuki, the Action Pose spin-off line of HG figures has become an annual (or sometimes bi-annual) event, usually linked to the yearly movie or mid-series point through some vague manner. It's also been one of the most variable in terms of overall quality. The original set, featuring all Ryuki characters, was actually more of a half-Action Pose set. Ryuki Survive, Knight Survive, and Zolda were all highly poseable and in the latter's case was pretty much the definitive Zolda figure in that scale. But Knight (normal), Ouja, & Ryuuga were just like your standard ol' HG figures, but then again part of the function of this line was to do also do characters who hadn't been in the regular HG line. In other words, it was to handle all those extra forms/Riders and movie folk who they'd never have gotten around to any way.
The follow-up was a big improvement. Not only was everybody super-articuated now, but it had a really, really good Faiz (and there have been a lot of Faiz figures so far), a couple of the more interestingly-designed Kamen Rider Ryuki alumni (Scissors, Gai, Tiger & Verde), and AutoVajin, who honestly could only have possibly worked as a Gachapon figure in Action Pose form. Faiz got a second helping a few months later with a set that featured his movie Riders (including the best Psyga figure apart from the SĂ´chaku-Henshin one) and even Rider 1 & 2. So of course you know that went over well. The only real downside is the elbow joints used in these figures were of the hinge-and-swivel kind, and not the faux-ball joints used in the earlier ones. Of course, if you have no idea what the hell that last sentence means, then they're perfect.
Blade's Action Pose set was tied right into the movie, featuring Glaive, Joker & King Form (the latter two of whom arguably made their debut performance in that.) A fairly solid set all around, and the best one up until the Kamen Rider Hibiki set the next year. It was that set which introduced chase figures into the mix (Hibiki Kurenai & Zanki, natch), gave us a really good Hibiki, Ibuki & Todoroki, plus some movie guys (Kabuki & Nishiki, who is an incredible figure on his own.) And they used clear red-tinted plastic for Hibiki's drumsticks, which make them look extra cool.
Kabuto got two Action Pose sets. The first one was decent, but a bit of a step backwards from the majesty of Hibiki's outing, with the figures being a little less poseable by now lacking ball-jointed shoulders (something that sadly has remained since.) The second one was a big leap forward, and the clear eye parts of course led into the H.G.C.O.R.E. line eventually.
So how about Den-O's first foray (as we know a Part 2 is now in the works)? I'm glad to say it's a winner, at least on par with the previous Kabuto set. There's 5 forms of Den-O, a Zeronos, and a very famous Imagin who comes in two flavors. Can't go wrong with that combo.
Kamen Rider Den-O (Sword Form)
This marks the third version of this particular Den-O form this year, and suffice to say there's a notable change from the first one seen in H.G.C.O.R.E. Part 2. Namely, his head's a whole lot bigger now! It seems a bit more in-scale with the older Rider's heads in the C.O.R.E. sets, although it's questionable which one's really more true to reality.
Whatever the case, this guy's jointed at the neck, waist, shoulders, biceps, elbows and wrists. He can do two really good poses (the one seen here and one with his sword slashing down) but with some messing around, you can probably get some other good ones. There's clear parts used for the eyes, and they look quie good. I'd venture to say this is the best Sword Form we've gotten yet, and considering how good the others have been, that's saying a lot.
Kamen Rider Den-O (Rod Form)
With the only other Rod Form being a "Gallery" version, this dynamically-posed one gives you a more action-oriented Rod Form. He's got clear plastic used for his eyes, and it looks even better than on the other figure, which shows some nice progression on Bandai's part. He's jointed at the neck, waist, shoulders, elbows, and wrists. And the Den-Gasher weapon is totally removable, so he can be displayed with or without it, and holding it in one or both hands. The fairly open-ended pose on this guy allows for a lot of different variations. Definitely a highlight of this set.
Kamen Rider Den-O (Axe Form)
Chop chop! The second outing for Axe Form is, like Rod Form, a nice step up from an already good figure. His axe is removable, so you can have him holding it in one hand, both hands, or not at all. He's jointed at the neck, waist, shoulders, right bicep, elbows, and wrists. As with Rod Form (and Gun Form below) his hands are molded so he can be ambidextrous and hold his weapon in either hand. Neat!
Kamen Rider Den-O (Gun Form)
The last of the "updates from the Gallery" figures, the purple one is jointed at neck, waist, shoulders, elbows & wrists. The gun is removable, and can be held in either hand. Considering the lack of bicep articulation, you can still get a lot of nice poses out of this guy, shooting at anything and everything you please. We're already getting another Gun Form in the upcoming H.G.C.O.R.E. EX set, so it should be interesting to see how that one stacks up to this guy.
Kamen Rider Den-O (Wing Form)
What's shiny & gold and briefly in the TV series (as well as popping up in the movie)? You guessed it, it's Den-O's fifth form. He borrows some parts from Sword Form, but also has a surprising amount of newness to him, so he really is more than a variation figure.
His belt has the holes and detachable Den-Gasher parts (which none of the other figures in this set feature aside from the Zeronos) and curiously, his eyes are painted solid blue, and not made of clear plastic as the insert/ad shows.
He's jointed at the neck, waist, shoulders, biceps, elbows and wrists. The lack of any weapons for him to hold is a bit of a bummer, but for a "movie-only" (in name) character, just having him is nice enough.
Kamen Rider Zeronos (Vega Form)
We got an Altair Form in the standard C.O.R.E. series, so why not his Deneb-infused self for the Action Pose set?
While he doesn't come with any weapons to hold, remember the detachable bowgun that C.O.R.E. Altair Form had? With a bit of messing around, you can get Vega Form to hold it. Neat! He's got various doo-dads to stick on his belt, including his unassembled weapon parts and the case for his Rider Ticket. Also, clear parts for the eyes, and jeez do they look good.
He's jointed at the neck, waist, shoulders, biceps, elbows, and wrists. We'll be revisting this guy in H.G.C.O.R.E. Part 5, but this is a pretty good first run. I wound up getting *a lot* of him too, so... contest prize fodder!
Yep, the "secret" figure not shown in the magazines until the set debuted is the big man himself, who comes in two colors; normal and, er, "sandy".
Each version includes two lower torsos, one of which is a pair of regular legs, and one of which is a big pile of sand. As you can see, I keep them displayed as such, but you can do it either way.
He's only jointed at the neck, elbows & wrists, but you can get a couple nice poses out of that. And it's Momotaros: he could be a solid chunk of plastic and he'd still be cool.
That's it for now. As you can see, this set's another winner, and I await the second installment (featuring Plat Form!) with much anticipation.
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